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Retrograde planets

Robyn Ray • 1 July 2020

So here we go again….once I open my mouth, I can’t shut up!

I keep thinking about all these planets going retrograde (backwards) at the moment. This is not the time for some grand gesture Boris. This is a time to wait and see. See what happens when you get this Pandemic under control. You’re beginning to look a bit desperate. Looking for ways to gain your popularity back! Don’t get me wrong. I actually quite like Boris. He’s a colourful character, compared to some of the numpties in his cabinet. However when all the planets- well five actually including Mercury, are retreating, it’s a time to wait and see! Wait until the Pandemic really does look like it’s under control for a start. 

It worries me that on the day that we had those two giants, Pluto and Jupiter making a retrograde conjunction and exactly square Eris (the asteroid representing Disruption), that Boris would choose to borrow yet another 5 Billion…..I mean really? Even my great grandchildren won’t ever be able to pay all this money back. You can’t buy love Boris, especially when you throw the money at the wrong organisations.

As I always tell my students, Retrograde periods are times to Wait and See. We don’t know what will need to be salvaged. We need to lie low. Don’t borrow unless you really have to and then only with the very best low interest deal you can find. Be patient. Prepare for a second wave of Coronavirus in the Autumn. It really hasn’t gone away yet. Don’t take risks with yours or your families health.
Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? The light is that you’re being forewarned. Be prepared! It ain’t over “til the fat lady sings” as they say in the theatre.  
Right now we’re on the brink of yet another Eclipse on the 5th July. Remember you can’t see clearly at Eclipse time. Things are hidden from view. 

We are on the brink of a whole new world and a whole new life …it’s never going back to the way it was. The future will be whatever we want to make of it within our limited choices. Do we have choices? We always have choices. We can choose to embrace what’s up ahead and find all the positives in each and every situation or we can go hide in a dark corner and feel sorry for ourselves. Will that help? 

Exercise, meditate, walk in nature. Save where you can. Stock up again. Prepare, but with the excitement of a child at Christmas. We are on the brink of a whole new world. All our lives are going to change irrevocably. There is no sugar-coated way to say that. It is up to each of us how we embrace this new world.
As I always say, trust in the Universe.

It’s written in the stars.
Love Robyn

by Robyn Ray 27 July 2021
The Metonic Cycle is an amazing recording system which follows the Moon Phases over three years, as they form into Groups of four. When you link each Moon Phase to the other Moon Phase dates, you will have a complete story. Each ending prepares you for the next beginning and involves connecting the different Moon Phases into Groups. Each Group consists of four Moon Phases i.e. New Moon, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon and Last Quarter Moon. Following these cycles will enhance your understanding of both the events in your own life, but also in the World around us, as they unfold. 4 Moon Phases every 28 days 28 days x 13 = 364 days + 1 day 4 x 13 = 52 Moon Phases Each complete Moon Story takes 3 years, with a 9 month gap between each Phase NEW MOON or SOLAR ECLIPSE – a new Phase or new Beginning FIRST QUARTER– this is a very active, manifestation period FULL MOON – gives clarity……this is a make or break period LUNAR ECLIPSE - often indicates something hidden that might come to light later LAST QUARTER – this is a moving on period and the preparation for a new Phase Each Moon Phase Group is repeated every nineteen years There is evidence that the Phases of the Moon were used more than two thousand years ago. The Mayans and other Aztec and Inca cultures used their understanding of the Lunar cycles, to create the basis of their Calendars. In Roman times, Julius Caesar changed from a Lunar based system to a Sun based system to standardise timekeeping, with the use of Sundials, and so the movement of the Sun became more relevant to our Timing system, than the movement of the Moon. There are 52 Moon Phases every year, which gives 52 separate stories. Each Moon Phase can highlight several stories at the same time. I have designed a weekly system to keep track of all this information. My weekly diary is a recording system that can be used as a reference to look back over the years. At the end of each week, the Moon Phase is placed into the Group to which it belongs with all the other relevant dates, enabling one to follow the Story over a 3 year period. There are at least four different Moon Phases every month. Dietrech Pessin did a great job of highlighting these Groups or “Families” as she calls them, in her book Lunar Shadows. I’ve been following this system for the last three decades and needed to create a simplified system to keep track of so much information. Each Moon Phase is part of a bigger story. In “Unlock the Secrets of the Moon Phases” every Moon Phase is clearly shown along with it’s position in the Group. This enables one to easily relate the dates to past or present events. Moon Phases that include a Solar Eclipse or a Lunar Eclipse or both in a Group, indicate a very important period of time in relation to any chart where the Eclipses are highlighted. During the recent Nodal journey thru Cancer/Capricorn, we had two particular Moon Phase Groups that included both a Solar and a Lunar Eclipse in each Group. The Eclipse cycles highlighted the UK 1801 Chart (1.1.1801 @ 00.00am Westminster) which has a Cancer Moon and MC and a Capricorn Sun and IC. The result was that the UK left the EU in what is commonly referred to as Brexit. Following the Moon Phases improves our ability to time future events. Unlock the secrets of your own personal lunar cycles, to record and understand the stories of your life. Being able to follow the many stories in both your own life and in the lives of others, will become an invaluable source of reference. This system enriches our understanding of any ongoing story and improves our ability to accurately time future events. The right time to start using this system will be whenever this information comes into your hands. It doesn’t matter what time of year you commence, because the Moon Phases are continuous, and repetitive. Moon Phase Diary – 2021 Unlock the Secrets of the Moon Phases – 2022 Robyn Ray
by Robyn Ray 6 December 2020
22nd September 2021 - LEFKADA, GREECE Come and join me for a week on this beautiful Greek Island, studying the many Faces of the Moon. Learn how to get to the heart of a Chart and to accurately time events in the future and to also understand your past. I will cover the Metonic Cycle, Eclipses and the Nodal Cycle, Progressions and Lunations. All classes will incorporate the Student’s charts. This will be an intimate group of maximum ten people, so put your name down if you think you might like to join like-minded people, on this journey of discovery. The fabulous Jo Watters will be hosting this exciting event. Jo has been running classes in Nidri every summer for almost twenty years. Jo is a fabulous hostess with the ability to make you feel completely at ease, instantly. There will be plenty of free time to explore the Island as the four days of classes will finish at 3pm each day, leaving time to swim, sunbathe and explore, plus two whole days free to sightsee or just chill out. Email me for further details at Looking forward to seeing you there. Warmest wishes Robyn
12 October 2020
The Great Conjunctions of 2020 have been preparing us for the NEW AGE that we are now entering. This is the biggest turning point we will witness in our lifetime. It started with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction at 22 Capricorn on the 12th January 2020 followed by the conjunctions of Saturn/Jupiter and Pluto/Jupiter all in Capricorn and the year will end with the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction at 0 AQUARIUS 26 on the 21st DECEMBER, 2020. This is a momentous moment in time when these major outer planets enter their long journey thru the AIR signs. It will make this conjunction only once, no ifs, no buts, no why’s, no wherefores. THIS IS IT. A NEW AGE BEGINS NOW Jupiter and Saturn only come together every 20 years. As representatives of Society, they signal a social shift in the Outer world. A societal, structural transformation that will bring a new wave of cultural expectations and experiences. This process will peak at the opposition in ten year’s time and dissolve into a new wave at the following conjunction. For the last 240 years these major conjunctions have been in the EARTH element. It was this first conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn in Earth that ushered in the Industrial Revolution. Now, from the end of this year we will have these major planetary get togethers in the element of AIR. Watch Technology giants such as Apple. I wouldn’t be surprised if they introduce a new type of technology that we won’t be able to live without. This conjunction is an astrological signature for a new way of doing things. It brings with it a new set of values. Lockdown has given us the space and time to take stock and to refocus our priorities. It has given us a lot of time to reflect. Do we need to live in a world that is driven by Consumerism? As Saturn and Jupiter journey through the Air signs they will force us to focus on the quality of the Air we breathe. This in turn will make man focus on Conservation and the Technology required to bring about these changes. Air moves very fast and it’s invisible, so things will be changing at a great speed; almost without us realising what is happening. Many businesses will collapse if they are based solely on consumerism, especially if they don’t attempt to diversify and use sustainable products such as Bamboo and Hemp, in their manufacturing. I’ve just seen the headlines on this morning’s news “Every home in Britain will be run by Wind”. If humanity is to survive, our priorities in life will have to be about Conservation and not using up the Earth’s resources. The old adage “Waste not, want not” will be the new mantra, driven by the younger generations. In a recent interview, when Sir David Attenborough was asked for his message to the world, he replied “Don’t waste anything”. An Astrological Conjunction is like a New Moon. It indicates the start or beginning of something. Think about a New Moon, when both the Sun and the Moon are together in the sky and everything is dark. This is where the world is, at this point in time, however some of us are fortunate enough to have a torch ( our astrological knowledge) to guide us on our way and to give us some clues as to where we are heading. There is always a period of darkness when a new life is created. There has to be a Gestation period when we can’t see the way ahead, before a new birth can take place. We have reached the time when historians will look back and say this was the “Beginning of the End of the Old World” as we knew it and the “Start of the New World.” One thing is for sure and that is that we will be travelling thru new territory and the sky will gradually, over time, become lighter as the new world unfolds before us. As the Coronavirus spread rapidly throughout the whole world, it became a Pandemic which has brought about the most extraordinary changes in just a few short months. Life on this planet as we know it, will never be quite the same again. Everything is changing at an amazing speed. Nothing will go back to the way it was before the Virus, so one needs to adjust very very fast. On the 12th November 2020 we will have the final Jupiter/ Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, rapidly clearing out everything that is outmoded and detrimental to our sustainability in the New Age ahead of us. Pluto is ruthless and it won’t allow the world to continue in the same old way that it has done in the past few hundred years. All over the world everything is going to change. This is already becoming obvious in many different countries. The changes will be dramatic. Pluto will move into Aquarius accompanied by the Sun in January 2024. By that time we really should be well prepared for the New Aquarian Age.
by Robyn Ray 6 October 2020
Before making any predictions it’s important to look at the backdrop of the world as it stands at this particular point in time. For instance when considering the USA Elections we should bear in mind that everything must change now. I find it hard to believe that Donald Trump will be able to continue his Presidency no matter what his astrological significators say. I have now just heard that Trump has Coronavirus so that’s a very interesting turn of events. Trump’s VP is Mike Pence. We don’t have a birth time for him. He is however, also part of the Old Guard so to speak and there is nothing in his Moon Phases to suggest him being elevated to President, or even continuing as VP if Trump were to be elected again. But what of Joe Biden? Is he going to bring about these momentous changes needed at this point in time? Well he is also part of the Old Guard so to speak, however his future Moon Phases indicate an enormous amount of drama which he will be forced to contend with, with the help of his running mate Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris has an extraordinary Kite shaped chart. People with Kite shaped charts often have a huge mission in life. I would expect some dramatic changes ahead, in the Biden administration. Harris would literally be the power behind the throne and at some stage I would expect her to rise to the top job. I will examine the MOON PHASES ahead for both Trump and Biden. But firstly I would like to point out that the UK 1801 chart has a Sun in Capricorn and a Moon in Cancer and the UK is breaking away from Europe. This was highlighted by the Nodal cycle travelling thru Cancer/Capricorn. The same journey will follow for the EU as the Nodal cycle moves into Taurus/Scorpio. Those of you who watched my MOON PHASES presentation for the AA Conference would have already seen some of the relevant slides. We are now in the Gemini/Sagittarius cycle which highlights the USA charts and especially the president, Donald Trump. This will be followed by the Taurus/Scorpio cycle which has already started falling into place with the New Moon in Gemini on 22 nd May 2020, (see below under Biden’s Moon Phases) a few days before Biden clinched the Presidential nomination. I PREDICT THAT JOE BIDEN WILL WIN THE USA ELECTION – 3 rd October 2020 I’ve reached this conclusion simply by using the MOON PHASES that contain both Solar and Lunar Eclipses that are affecting his Birth chart, over the next few years. When looking at any Astrological charts I always consider the Moon Phases based on the Metonic Cycle. When a MOON PHASE contains a series of ECLIPSES it indicates a very important period of time for a country or a person or even a business. These periods quite often involve a lot of drama of one kind or another. If any of you have attended one of my MOON PHASE talks or workshops you will understand the following tables which contain the Moon Phases that include either Solar or Lunar Eclipses or both. I find the Eclipse Phases indicate major periods of time and are particularly pertinent in either the life of a person, a country or even a business etc. With this in mind let’s look at the important Eclipse phases that are affecting both Joe Biden and Donald Trump at this present time. Please also bear in mind the following: NEW MOONS indicate the beginning of something. FIRST QUARTER MOONS indicate a Manifestation period or a time to Abandon what isn’t working. LUNAR ECLIPSES are when everything is out in the open and matters can move either forward or backwards. This is a marriage or a divorce period. LAST QUARTER MOONS indicate the end of the cycle and the preparation period for a new beginning. Any Moon Phase that includes Eclipses is very important. DONALD TRUMPS MOON PHASES CONTAINING ECLIPSES First Quarter 1.04.20 12 Can 09 Mercury Lunar Eclipse 30.11.20 8 Can 53 (make or break) Last Quarter 29.09.21 6 Can 08 (end of this cycle) -------------------------------------- Last Quarter 14.04.20 25 Cap 26 opposite Venus/Saturn (end of this cycle) ---------------------------------------- Lunar Eclipse 5.06.20 15 Sag 34 Uranus/Nth Node/Sun/Moon Last Quarter 6.03.21 15 Sag 41 (end of this cycle) ------------------------------------ Solar Eclipse 14.12.20 23 Sag 08 South Node/Moon First Quarter 13.09.21 21 Sag 16 (Manifestation or Abandon) There really isn’t much going on for Donald Trump, looking forward into the coming years. It’s mostly about the end of a period of time and nothing Major coming up to follow, apart from a Solar Eclipse to his South Node which I would consider a time of release or letting go. I don’t think there is enough going on in his chart to indicate his being President for a second term. On the other hand Joe Biden’s chart is extraordinarily hectic as I would expect for someone who is becoming President of the USA. I’ve only considered the conjunctions and oppositions of the Moon Phases. See below: JOE BIDEN’s MOON PHASES CONTAINING ECLIPSES New Moon 22.05.20 2 Gem 20 Asc/Uranus - Biden clinched the Presidential nomination First Quarter 19. 02.21 1 Gem 20 Asc/Uranus/Sun/Venus LUNAR ECLIPSE 19.11.21 27 Tau 15 Sun/Venus Last Quarter 19 08 22 26 Tau 12 Sun/Venus ---------------------------------------------- New Moon 15.11.20 23 Sco 17 Venus/Sun/Mercury First Quarter 15.08 21 23 Sco 00 Venus/Sun/Mercury LUNAR ECLIPSE 16.05.22 25 Sco 18 Venus/Sun/Mercury Last Quarter 13.02.23 24 Sco 40 Venus/Sun/Mercury -------------------------------------------- New Moon 11.05.21 21 Tau 17 Mercury etc First Quarter 8.02.22 19 Tau 46 Mercury LUNAR ECLIPSE 8.11.22 16 Tau 00 Mercury Last Quarter 8.08 23 15 Tau 28 Mercury ------------------------------- New Moon 4.11.21 12 Sco 40 Mars First Quarter 5.08.22 13 Sco 01 Mars LUNAR ECLIPSE 5.05.23 14 Sco 58 Mars Last Quarter 2.02.24 13 Sco 25 Mars -------------------------------------------------- He also has the following Eclipses which you can work out for yourselves by counting forward in nine month periods. SOLAR ECLIPSE 4.12.21 12 Sag 22 opp. Saturn SOLAR ECLIPSE 30.4.22 10 Tau 28 opp. Mars SOLAR ECLIPSE 25.10.22 2 Sco 00 Moon 0 Tau 59 SOLAR ECLIPSE 20.04.23 29 Aries 50 Moon 0 Taurus 5 With both the Solar and the Lunar Eclipses aspecting all of his planets, continually, I would expect there to be an exceptional workload and a lot of drama throughout this Presidency and from end of 2021 aspects to Biden’s Mars, his 12 th house ruler, could indicate health problems, hospitalisation etc. During this time Kamala Harris’ chart is very active. A female president for the USA perhaps? Kamala Harris has a Nodal return to her natal Nodes and her Ascendent and in a couple of years she will have the eclipse cycles aspecting her Sun and Moon. Her progressions are also very interesting. I also have no doubt that there will be a complete shake up of the Monarchy as all these Solar and Lunar Eclipses will be picking up all the fixed planets in the Royal Family’s charts. Everything is changing and the old way of doing things must also change. The Monarchy is reinventing itself and the young Royals are very much on board, in this respect. Have you watched Prince William’s documentary “A Planet For Us All”? It’s about protecting our Planet for future generations, Very interesting times ahead. Robyn Ray 
by Robyn Ray 30 June 2020
Hello Everyone, Well here I am being dragged kicking and screaming into this Virtual World. I’ve always loved the social interactions with my students, especially the ones who attended my classes in person including the chat, the coffees and sharing of photos etc. Okay I know the younger generation are already very familiar with all of this technology, but I began my astrological journey before computers. We had to calculate and draw up all our charts by hand. I designed my own charts and took them to a local printer. I’m very slow at learning technology of any kind but I can talk for England. (now I’m missing the hysterically smiling emojis). I’m sure there must be a way of including them here. When I sat my Faculty Diploma, we had to sit all the papers in one go, attending the college in Regent’s Park, every day for two weeks including the weekends. We had a Facilitator watching over us. The examination included Astronomy, Calculation, History, Midpoints, Harmonics and of course two Chart Interpretations with significators, and a character analysis of our own Birth chart as well. Considering I went to 17 schools (Saturn in my third house) it was a struggle, but my passion for Astrology was so great that it drove me on and I’m so glad I didn’t give up like so many before me. That wouldn’t happen today. Everyone is given the opportunity to find their own level and of course one can take as long as one likes to learn this subject and that is correct. It especially applies to Astrology. This is a subject that should be savoured along the way and one shouldn’t really worry about passing exams until one is comfortable and confidant with the subject. I think it’s brilliant to be able focus on each section when one is ready to do so. Today we have a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction which is retrograde . This is the second of three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions this year. The last one will be in November. This is a big Astrological event. A conjunction is a beginning. We have had a lot of major conjunctions this year which indicate the beginning of a new way of living, in so many ways. I will discuss these different major conjunctions and what we can expect from them and what they might indicate, in a later blog. Suffice to say that today Boris is proposing to boost the economy and is unveiling an extremely ambitious plan. Bear in mind that five planets are retrograde including Mercury; this is a time to plan, but definitely not a time to launch any new projects (says me with my new website)! It’s a bit like buying a derelict old stately home and borrowing enormous sums of money to do it up in the hope that the world will queue up to visit it. Oh dear! I will discuss Boris Johnson in a later blog. With so many retrograde planets this is a wonderful time to be planning for the future. Nothing will stay the same. You have to think ahead because this new world is going to be moving very fast indeed and you need to get ready for what is coming up in the coming year. As well as all the retrogrades, we are also in the middle of Eclipse season. Eclipses bring something hidden. Something that needs investigation. What do you need to look into. What do you need to find out. Prepare yourself for later in the year when everything will move forward. In the meantime don’t take on any new projects without proper investigation. Everything we do is about timing. Don’t rush into a commitment until the time is right As William Shakespeare said “there’s a time for all things that taken at the Tide can reap fortunes”. In the meantime, trust in the Universe…. It’s already written in the Stars. With Love, Robyn
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