About Astrology



A Birth Chart or Horoscope is a symbolic map of the heavens, as seen from earth, at the moment of birth.  The Astrologer uses this map to assess the potential nature of a person at a particular place and moment of time.  Since the Birth Chart can be related to the continually moving celestial pattern, it is also possible to consider the related movements or trends in that person’s life.  To calculate a Birth Chart accurately, you need the time, date and place of birth.
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If you do not know your birth time, it is not possible to set up a completely accurate chart immediately, but it is possible, with rectification methods, to ascertain a probable birth time.  It is important to let the Astrologer know what the margin of accuracy could be.  in fact, if you visit an Astrologer on a regular basis, it is very often possible to rectify a Birth Chart to within a few minutes of the exact birth time, as the Astrologer will be able to watch the effects of the planetary movements upon your life and adjust your Birth Chart accordingly, over a period of time.
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A Birth Chart can be interpreted in many different ways, depending on the client’s needs.  Some clients simply want a character analysis to help them to understand themselves better.  Others want to resolve relationship or career problems or to choose an appropriate time (electional astrology) to start a project,  a business or even a marriage etc.

Ongoing Counselling, using a Birth Chart, can be extremely beneficial, as it enables the client to work through the various difficulties that life presents, often diverting frustration, anger and even illness.  Working within the Counselling framework whenever possible, can be a very rewarding experience, enabling the client to become more aware of their potential.  There’s a growing self-awareness amongst the public.  People are more conscious of themselves and of others and of the way they interact differently with different people.  They are searching for more inner fulfilment, realising that the outer trappings of success are transitory.
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Astrology and psychology go hand-in-hand.  The Birth Chart is an objective expression of what is within and can assist in the identification of psychological patterns and behaviour which have developed in childhood and then manifested in adult life.

Astrological Counselling combines the insights of astrology and psychology to identify needs and conflicts and to bring them into the light of consciousness.  It gives us the opportunity for change, through a greater self-awareness and self-understanding.  Both astrology and psychology, work with symbols - the fundamental language of the unconscious - and through symbols, the chart indicates the right time for the exploration and unfolding of certain issues and processes.  Many people, through family conditioning, become trapped in unconscious behaviour patterns and find that they are confronted be recurring problems.  Pin-pointing these patterns and working with them can change the program and therefore one’s life.

Through Astrology and Counselling, we develop a richer understanding of both ourselves and others.  We begin to realise how much more life has to offer, even in times of great adversity and we begin to see the value of each and every experience and challenge that we encounter throughout life.  
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